Zhiwei Zhu

GRANSHAN Jury 2019: Script expert for Chinese Scripts

Zhu Zhiwei  was born in 1955, HanYi Type Art Consultant, visiting professor of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, former Design Director of FounderType, senior technical expert of Founder Group.
From 1971 to 1991, he worked in Beijing Foreign Language Printing Factory for movable type engraving. In 1991, he joined FounderType doing type design and production management. In 1996, he started type design. Many type design were successfully developed and widely used in China. He retired in 2015 and joined the HanyiType.
In 1996, in The Morisawa Awards International Typeface Design Contest, “Beiwei Kaishu” won the bronze medal. In 1999, “Tiejin Lishu” won the jury award of the same contest. He served as the judges of the 2nd to 7th FounderType Contest.
Initially involved in the type design, he devoted himself to finding inspiration from calligraphy for type design, representative display works were Bold Song, Beiwei Kaishu, Tiejin Lishu. Since 2004, he has been enthusiastic about the research and design of the type in text. Under this concept, the design of “Boya Song”, “Ya Song”, “Fengya Song”, “Yundong Hei” and other type are popular and widely used by many mainstream newspapers and magazines. After joining Hanyi in 2015, Xuan Song was designed and developed.

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