Qi Li

GRANSHAN Jury 2019: Script expert for Chinese Scripts

Qi Li, born in Shanghai in 1958, was admitted to the Type Research Office of Shanghai Institute of Printing Technology in 1984 with excellent results. He specializes in type design and learns from Mr. Xie Peiyuan, a famous type designer in China. From 2003 to 2012, he served as senior type designer of FounderType and technical expert of Founder Group. From 2012 to now, he works as a freelance designer of HanyiType.

He was awarded with numerous prizes, for example:
In 1990, Ying Kai (cooperation) won the jury of The Morisawa Awards International Typeface Design Contest.
In 1991, New Song and Pattern Cursive won the Taiwan DynaComware Chinese Type Design Competition Merit Award.
In 1992, Kai Light was awarded the third prize for new typeface design in Shanghai, sponsered by State Press and Publication Administration.
In 2009, FZ Heili Family won Bronze Prize of DFA Design for Asia Awards.
In 2012, the New Fang song was selected for the Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2012.
In 2015. Hanyi Qihei Family won the ”China Design” Red Star Award.

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